Justin B. Long

Blog Central

When I’m not working on a new book, I like to write a blog. My goal is that you will glean some ideas from these articles that you can use to improve your life, as well as be entertained for a few minutes. In this way, we are making the world a better place! If you like what you read, please comment, and make sure you subscribe so that you can get each blog in your email to read at your leisure. Thanks for your time, I appreciate it! – Justin B. Long

How To Increase Your Financial IQ

How To Increase Your Financial IQ

How To Increase Your Financial IQ We all know about IQ, and what you’ve got is what you’ve got. Some of you may know about EQ, or Emotional Intelligence, and this is something that we all need to improve on, but that’s a topic for another blog. Today we’re going to...

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Life Happens Outside Your Comfort Zone

Life Happens Outside Your Comfort Zone

Life Happens Outside Your Comfort Zone Living VS Existing Do you ever meet people who seem to have an amazing life, with exciting activities and various things going on all the time? Most of us know someone like that. Now, let’s look at the other end of the spectrum:...

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Set Yourself Up For Success

Set Yourself Up For Success

Set Yourself Up For Success Set yourself up for success: it sounds obvious, right? No one is going to intentionally set themselves up for failure, right? Wrong. We do it all the time. Self-doubt, or lack of confidence, makes us do things that keep us from succeeding....

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The Side Hustle

The Side Hustle

The Side Hustle: Take Control of Your Life (and your finances) So much of what we do is dictated by how much money we have available. We all have things we’d like to do, like spend a week in Europe, but it’s not something we’re likely to afford. In my last blog, we...

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There’s More to Life

There’s More to Life

There’s more to life than you’re getting out of it Work, eat, sleep. Work, eat, sleep. Work, eat, sleep. It’s a routine of necessity in the beginning, when we’re young and just trying to figure out how it all works. Work, eat, sleep. On the weekends it’s sleep, TV,...

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Setting and Achieving Goals

Setting and Achieving Goals

Setting and Achieving Goals Setting and achieving goals is one of those things that few people think about, fewer try, and even fewer actually do. It’s in the same category as dieting, exercise, and making good life decisions. But we all have intentions of doing...

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What in the world is DimWorld?

What in the world is DimWorld?

What is the DimWorld series all about? DimWorld is the series of books I’m writing, in case you’re not familiar with the title. I’ve made a few vague references to it in blogs here and there, as well as some posts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (I’m easy to find:...

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Do You Have the Right Job for You?

Do You Have the Right Job for You?

The right job for me If you follow me on Facebook, you probably know that we have a bottle-baby kitten right now. This isn’t the first time one of these has shown up at our door. As a veterinarian (and crazy cat lady), my wife attracts these sorts of adventures. As a...

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What is your Dominating Emotion?

What is your Dominating Emotion?

What is your Dominating Emotion? Where do you get your inspiration? This is probably the most commonly-asked question when people are interviewing authors. It has always irritated me when someone I’m interested in is being interviewed, because I see it as a complete...

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Prepping for Nanowrimo

Prepping for Nanowrimo

Prepping for Nanowrimo In case you don’t know, November is National Novel Writing Month, or Nanowrimo for short, and Nano for even shorter. The idea is that you write a certain number of words (1,700 is a base number; I’m shooting for 2,500) every day for a month, and...

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Accountability Partners are Invaluable

Accountability Partners are Invaluable

Accountability Partners I've had an accountability partner for almost a year now, and I wonder how I lived so long without one. I also wonder how much more I would have accomplished if I had found her ten years ago. We met online during the 2016 Nanowrimo event. She...

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What Gives You Value?

What Gives You Value?

As I’m preparing the outline for the next book in the DimWorld series, I’m working out the philosophical explorations that my characters are embarking on. This is one of my favorite parts about writing this series. My characters get to work on a concept and draw their...

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